Left Behind

A social gathering to see each other once again

Turned out to be a nightmare I don't wanna have

The past with warm and welcoming faces but

Now the room is filled with so many unfamiliar faces

Doesn't know where I stand now even if I

I stand firm and sure of what I am before

In the same old place but so different time


The place that once was filled with laughters

Now filled with unsured silence everywhere

Not hearing a sound, not even a sigh

Regrets flow everywhere to let it go fast

It's as if a moment just pass yet nothing

Nothing is the same anymore. Can you do anything


Now I'm sure this place would never be the same

You can't see anything that haven't change

The place, the people, the atmosphere, the closeness

Now gone, all gone with time to blame.

If only everything would be back to normal

Yet would it still be the same or mean anything

Then I've decided to just leave it all behind

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