Pain of Letting Go

I have found myself in the same situation

Over and over again, and I wonder why

Is it really necessary to go this far in life

Yet still suffer painful things again and again


How nice to have someone beside you for

All the good times and bad times

Someone who'll support you all through out

Yet the fear of losing the one you love the most


Or just even to say a little goodbye

With your knowing you'll be apart for you

But you'll be together again sooner or later

Yet you're unsure of that's the way it would go


The mixture of emotions running through me

Makes me realize how weak and strong I am

With just flow of running rivers in my life

My whole life and dreams are just swept away


Emotional as I may be, I just can't stand up

To face the face we're about to bid farewells

My heart can't take all the pains,

The pains of letting go a dream and memories

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